Changes in AIBB v2.0 Several changes have been made to this version of AIBB, and more are forthcoming in the next version. Note that versions 1.1-1.9 were never released (they had this annoying habit of displaying unwanted screen pyrotechnic effects...[read: crash and burn] :-) ) NOTICE: I have an apology to make. The previously released version of AIBB (v1.0) has some inaccurate test comparison figures contained within it. These inaccuracies are mainly in the area of the A3000, and can show it to be a great deal slower than the A2500/30. This is not correct. In fact, under most circumstances the A3000 should come up as slightly faster. If this has in any way caused confusion I must apologize. I have worked hard to correct any of these inconsistancies, and hope that this version will hold more to everyone's liking. I don't like problems with my programs, any more than people who may use them do, so if you find a problem, LET ME KNOW!!! I'll get looking into it right away. OVERVIEW OF CHANGES: 1.) Proper CPU identification in any circumstance. No longer will the program give erroneous 68020 CPU IDs when in fact an 030 may be present. 2.) The status of the Instruction and/or Data caches for your processor (provided you have an 020 or 030) is now displayed with the CPU type. The ability to change the cache settings from within the program has also been added. 3.) The ability to choose between comparisons by 68030 machines OR OTHER machine types has been added. This allows for evaluations of the machine being tested over a broader range of available machines. Currently, the 'other' machine types are a 68020-based A2500/20 and a 68010-equipped Amiga 2000. 4.) The addition of a memory alert. If the program detects it has been loaded into CHIP or SLOW-FAST RAM, where bus contention may play havoc with the test results, it will inform you with a small pop-up requester. Note that although you will be able to tell if the main program is in CHIP or SLOW-FAST RAM, you may not be able to tell if some of the tests are run in that medium. This is because some of the tests require allocation of memory on their own, for their own purposes. The only way that this would happen, however, would be if the main program managed to use up most of the available FAST RAM, leaving little FAST type memory for the test's needs. The easiest way to avoid any problems here is just to be sure you are not running the program on the last dregs of your FAST RAM. 5.) There is an option now under the 'Test Options' menu which allows you to double the scale of the graph. This is to allow people lucky enough to have REALLY fast boards to fit themselves into the graph scale. (Read: If you get an 040 board sometime, it will probably fit on the scale...though you don't DESERVE to fit on it if you get one of those wonder beasts... :-) ). 6.) A change has been made in the A2000 base results and how they are interpreted. For full information, read the documentation file. 7.) A log file saving option has been added for the saving of test results. It requires the use of the 'req.library' or the 'arp.library'. Please see the documentation for full details. 8.) A small bug with the 'About...' requester has been (hopefully) corrected. Some people were reporting that the requester wouldn't let them select it's 'Continue' gadget. I believe I've corrected that problem in this version. (I was running into timing problems with Intuition) PLANNED FOR THE NEXT VERSION: The next version of AIBB will probably be 3.0, and will basically be a revamp of this version, but with full internal figures for the comparison machines running AmigaOS 2.0. The delay is due to the fact the CBM hasn't yet burned 2.0 in ROM (as of this writing), and I want to give it time to get around first. There will be a difference in the comparisons, as 2.0's ROM functions are in some areas faster than the ones in 1.3. [And oddly, some tests are running slower in preliminary examinations. There may be a few interim changes in AIBB (2.x, etc..) depending on if any bugs turn up ( :-) ). I'm intending AIBB 2.0 to not just be 2.0-specific either. It will adjust itself depending on the OS you are running. --LaMonte